Take Time to Fly

Curious Winged Egg Doll by Michelle Talley
Welcome to September!
My project for this month is a reminder to take some time. For yourself, for a friend, to breathe, and to spread your wings and fly.
We are always so busy, sometimes too busy. There is always somewhere we need to be, or something we have to do. Right now. Something we have to fix, find or get. We don’t remember to take time for ourselves. To enjoy right now, this moment. So I hope that you can take some time, for a walk, for a friend. To try something new, or to try something you have always wanted to do, but it just hasn’t happened yet.
Don't Forget to Fly!
This month I went the “color outside the lines technic” again! I used pieces from several different Amazing Alterables™ to create my project. I LOVE her!!! And to make it easier on you she is now her own little Amazing Alterable™: Curious Egg Doll
Other items from PaperWhimsy
Supplies also used were: brass bezel, metal embellishments, rusted wire, yellow chalk paint, stamp and ink.
My Method:
I started by painting all the alterables with the chalk paint, and while that dried, I used
ModPodge to glue the face from Sheet into the brass bezel.
After all the pieces were dry, I used glue to assemble my girl. Did I mention that I LOVE HER??? Anyway, I used ModPodge to deck out the "body”, halo and the decolletage,(fancy!).
I used a stamp to decorate her wings, legs, and a bit on her “body”. I glued on the two metal embellishments and used the wire to make a hanger.
Have a happy September, take some time just for you, and I will get back to you in October!
Michelle xo